Standard A:
A.4.1 When conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed
For standard A I have experianced this recently with our first activity. A.4.1 says when conducting science investigations, ask and answer questions that will help decide the general areas of science being addressed. So with our first experiment some of our questions that we had were does warm or cold water freeze faster? Also, does warm or cold water boil faster? After doing the experiment we had the answers for this question.
Standard B:
B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations
I feel that standard B has to do with my everyday life whether I am in school, working or at home. Basically, standard be is saying you now know how to use different sources such as internet, adults, encylopedias, ext. I use different resources everyday for various things. As I got older I became more aware of different resources and became better at them such as how to use the internet. I think it is very imporant for everyone to be aware of the different kinds of resources that are out there for us, and how important it is for everyone to know how to use them.
Standard C:
C.4.6 Communicate the results of their investigations in ways their audiences will understand by using charts, graphs, drawings, written descriptions, and various other means, to display their answers
I think with this standard it has alot to do with how to read different charts, graphs, tables ext. With any kind of science it is very imporant to know the correct wording of things. I think that it is important to know things from the periodic table and the basics of what things are and symbols. An example would be like H20 for water. Its important to know the basics and correct wording of things.
Standard D:
D.4.1 Understand that objects are made of more than one substance, by observing, describing and measuring the properties of earth materials, including properties of size, weight, shape, color, temperature, and the ability to react with other substances
I have experianced this also by this class. In this class we have had to work alot with the periodic table. We also became aware of what things are in which of the groups for the tables. We know that chemicals can be solid, liquids, or even gases. Also, there are seven different groups in the periodic table that we have had to come some what familiar with.
Standard E:
E.4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during these investigations
This standard has alot to do with the earth and rocks. I have become familiar with rocks many years ago. For my fifth grade science fair my project had to do with the different kinds of rocks that there are. Besides putting the different rocks in their proper group I had also had to find and identify many different rocks. This can be alot more difficult than you may expect, because there are many different things you need to look at with rocks.
Standard F:
F.4.1 Discover* how each organism meets its basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy* in order to survive
Throughout my many years of being in school I have seen many different videos about what different kinds of animals do to survive. It has alot to do with the environment that they are in because many animals learn to adjust to their environment and that is how they survive. You also have to look at what they eat and the different kinds of food that is available for them in the area that they are living in.
Standard G:
G.4.1 Identify* the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain* how the technology helps
We see technology growing all around us. For being a early childhood major we see alot of the interactive whiteboards that are growing in the classrooms that give the children and also the teacher many different opportunities to help make things more exciting for the children. Also, technology in the workplace just recently I had started a new job, and instead of going in and filling out a paper form of an application I was suppose to go online and fill it out on the computer. I have learned that this is the way that many places are now doing.
Standard H:
H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care
We see transportation all around us. However, in my hometown, which is very small, minonights are very common so often when you are driving you will see a horse and buggy going down the road. This is just one example at how we have imporved with transportation. Also, people are able to fly so much now to save time. Some trips would take days to drive some where, and now you are able to be there in a couple of hours. Its really amazing to see how things have imporved.
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